I was checking an old hard drive backup when I came across a webpage I posted in 1998 of benchmark results, for various Smalltalk implementations run on a 166MMX Pentium desktop computer (typical for the time).

The benchmark was published by the Smalltalk Industry Council (no longer in existence) and all I did was tweak the source to compare available Smalltalk implementations and Java.

The page is reproduced here.

Out of curiosity, I tweaked the code to run in Toit on an ESP32-WROOM-32E, which yielded the following numbers:

[jaguar] INFO: program d1ee066b-8f7c-d469-6719-fcace034febe started
Full GC count 1
Full GC count 2
Full GC count 3
STIC benchmark ---------------------------
   (smaller numbers are better)
alloc               10.27
array write         12.15
dictionary write    5.95
float math          36.43
integer math        6.37
collection iterate  12.06
collection write    4.77
string compare      0.46
hanoi               11.13
[jaguar] INFO: program d1ee066b-8f7c-d469-6719-fcace034febe stopped

These are similar to the Smalltalk/desktop machine numbers of 25 years ago.
The Toit code is available here.